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Useful Links

The following links may be useful and informative



Cafcass - Putting children and young people first in the family courts


Children's Legal Centre - Promoting children's rights. Website contains FAQs on contact with children. 0845 120 3747


Childline - Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. 0800 1111


Civil LegaAdvice - Help on family issues, eg family mediation or if your child’s being taken into care . 0845 345 4 345


Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services  DAVSS is an award winning West Kent community based charity supporting male and female victims of domestic abuse. 01892 570538


Families Need Fathers - Provides information & support to parents. 020 7613 5060


Family Mediators Association - gives separating couples an opportunity to decide for themselves what to do about their children and finances, with help and guidance from trained and impartial mediators


Feagan's - Counselling children, supporting parents.  01892 538288


Gingerbread - main support systems for lone parents - self help groups & advice line. 0808 802 0925


Grandparents' Association - Working with and for grandparents. 0845 4349585


Homestart - Home-Start is one of the leading family support charities in the UK, helping families with young children deal with the challenges they face. They support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.


Kent Family Mediation Service - The largest and most widely recognised family mediation service in Kent


Match Mothers (Mothers Apart from their Children) - Self help support for mothers


NACCC The National Association of Child Contact Centres 


National Family Mediation - Help for families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating Tel:- 0300 400 0636


National Domestic Violence Helpline - Offers support, help and information (including hostel information). 0808 2000 247


NSPCC - The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. 0808 800 5000, or (for under 18s) 0800 1111 (Childline)


Relate - Counselling, Support and information for all relationships. 0300 100 1234 (National)


Resolution - Association of family lawyers and other professionals committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes. 01689 820272


Reunite - Practical advice and info on parental child abduction & international custody disputes. Advice Line 0116 2556 234


Samaritans - Provide confidential emotional support to any person who is in emotional distress or at risk of suicide. 116 123

Contact Us

07389 868637

Contact Session Address

St. Stephen's Church

Waterloo Road




Postal Address

Cockle Oast

Hartlake Road,

Golden Green


TN11 0BL


We take your privacy seriously and only use your contact data for the administration of the Tonbridge Child Contact Centre (TCCC).  Data is not passed on for use by third parties whether or not connected with TCCC.  You have rights regarding your data including seeing what data we access and updating our information.

©2020 by Tonbridge Child Contact Centre. Registered charity no. #1184164

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